The principals of the Association are:
• The Institute for the Accountancy Profession in Sweden
• The Association of Mutual Funds
• The Institutional Owners Association for Regulatory Issues in the Stock Market
• Nasdaq Stockholm AB
• The Swedish Insurance Federation
• The Swedish Bankers’ Association
• The Swedish Securities Markets Association
• The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise
The principals/members represent the majority of the actors in the Swedish stock and securities market, which ensures broad and solid representation and thus reinforces confidence in self-regulation.
You can read more about each principal/member by following the links above.
The Board of the Association for Generally Accepted Principles in the Securities Market

Annika Lundius, Chair of the Board
Education: Bachelor of Laws (Lund University), Court of Appeal Assessor of Svea Court of Appeal.
Current board assignments: Board member of the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum, member of an advisory philanthropic council to the Vice-chancellor of Lund University.
Previous positions include: Head of Legal Affairs at the Ministry of Finance, CEO of the Swedish Insurance Federation, Deputy CEO of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.

Petra Hedengran, Vice Chair
Education: Bachelor of Laws.
Current position: Head of Legal Affairs at Investor and Investments Manager at EQT.

Maria Althin
Education: Master of Law
Current position: Senior legal advisor, expert corporate governance and securities law, The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise

Åsa Arffman
Education: Bachelor of Laws
Current position: Head of Legal Affairs at the Swedish Bankers’ Association

Svante Forsberg
Education: Master of Business Administration
Current position: Senior Partner at Deloitte

Urban Funered
Education: Juris Licentiate (Lund), Master of Business Administration (Lund), Master of Laws (London)
Current position: CEO of the Swedish Securities Markets Association

Adam Kostyál
Education: BA Economics and Marketing (Vrije Universiteit, Brussel)
Current position: CEO of Nasdaq Stockholm AB

Fredrik Nordström
Education: Studies in economics and finance
Current position: CEO of the Association of Mutual Funds

Anders Oscarsson
Education: Bachelor of Science in Economics, (Stockholm University)
Current position: Equity Manager at AMF

Magnus Vesterlund
Education: Master of Economics (Linköping University)
Current position: Chief Economist at Insurance Sweden